Minutes of the Reconvened

Meeting of the Board of Review

July 28, 2008 at 5:00PM




Town Chairman Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at 5:00PM.  The assessor signed the Assessor’s Affidavit in the presence of the Clerk and the Clerk verified she had checked the assessment roll for obvious errors and omissions. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Present were Board of Review members Dick Collyard, Jack Meinke, Christine Webb, Mitch McGee and Elaine Brustad.  Assessor Charlotte Johnson was also present.


First order of business was to nominate and elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the Board of Review.  Motion (Webb/Brustad) to nominate Dick Collyard for Chairperson. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.


Motion (Webb/Collyard) to nominate Jack Meinke for Vice Chairperson. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.  


There were no objections brought to the Board of Review.  At 7:00, Collyard asked for a motion to adjourn.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the Board of Review.  Motion carried. Since there were no formal objections heard where there was a determination made this will be the final Board of Review for 2008.  The Meeting adjourned at 7:05PM.


Respecfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,

Clerk for the Board of Review

Dated this 8th Day of August, 2008.