Minutes of the Special Town Board Meeting

Of March 8, 2007



Collyard called the meeting to order in Regular session at 5:10PM. Collyard appointed Supervisor Porter to take minutes for the meeting. Roll call taken, Collyard, Meinke, Porter, Webb, McGee all present. Collyard then read the Notice for the meeting. The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in regular session to go into a closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(g) for conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.

Motion(Webb/Meinke) to go into closed session per the referenced statute 19.85(g). Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  

Chairman Collyard called the closed session to order at 5:15PM. The Board discussed only issues pursuant to the statute noted above. There were no decisions made in the closed session

Motion (Webb/Porter) to return to the Open Session. Motion carried.

The Board returned to the regular Session at 5:45PM.

Motion (Webb/McGee) to disallow the claim and send a letter to the claimant. Motion carried.


Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting of March 8, 2007. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM


Respectfully Submitted,




Donna Porter,

Town Supervisor

Dated this 9th Day of March, 2007