February 20, 2007


Chairman Collyard called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. 

Motion (Porter/Webb) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. McGee was absent.  Only the 4 Board members were present in the Closed session. Clerk was not present. Minutes taken during the Closed session were by Supervisor Webb. Only those matters pursuant to state statutes 19.85(c) were discussed. There were no decisions made during closed session. Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the closed session and return to the regular closed session. Motion carried.   

Collyard called the reconvened open session back to order at 6:30PM.

The pledge of Allegiance to the flag was said.

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Approve the January Agenda: Webb-present, Meinke-present, McGee-absent, Porter-present, Collyard-present. Quorum was established.

Motion( Porter/Meinke) to approve the February agenda. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:





FEBRUARY 20, 2007 AT 6:00PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Closed Session - The Board will then go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The Board will then reconvene to the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the February Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                1) Discussion and Board approval to delete or reduce erroneous omitted tax bills and                discussion and Board action for approval of the Treasurer to reduce or delete tax bill        corrections not received by the county prior to tax bill printing.

                2) Assessor Update

Department Head Reports:



                Fire Department

                                Discussion on Policy for Fire billings (Tabled from last meeting)

                Ambulance Department


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

                Road Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission Report

Contract renewal for Forest Management of Town Owned Land with Dan Cobb

Discussion on support for the Upper St Croix Watershed Project

Discussion on Town Hall Use and Public Records Policy

Update on Mosinee Property behind Town Hall

Network Proposal from Cheqtel

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 16th Day of February, 2007





Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting/Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurers Report











Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 21143-21231




January Tax Payment & other direct payments



Service Charge January




Interest Earned January





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned January

YTD Interest $5747.7


Service Charge





Check # 1043-1050










Transfer to sub accts for sinking funds




Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund

Trans. Sinking fund 15,000.00


BES Sinking Fund


Trans sinking fund 15,000.00


Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calender Fund





Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds



























Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

There were 6 Notices to Cut received on property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands, 1 Notice to cut on property owned by Wausau Paper Company.

The Clerk read a letter from Jon Harkness to Richard Collyard to commend him and the Board members on the form and substance of the announcement of this Board Meeting published in the County Journal.

A letter was received from WITC regarding Board appointments for 3 vacancies beginning July 1, 2007.

Clerk read a letter from Pamela Toshner regarding the tree-trimming on South Shore Road, saying she felt the cutting was excessive and quite unsightly.

The Clerk also received an email addressed to Colin Nowaczyk of the DNR informing him of the approval of the hazard mitigation project entitled “Improve Access/Egress Part 2”, in the amount of $30,000.00.

                Discussion and Board Approval to delete or reduce erroneous omitted tax bills and discussion and Board action for approval of the Treasurer to reduce or delete tax bill corrections not received by the County prior to tax bill printing.

The Clerk had previously given the Board members a list of bills to be looked at.   She acknowledged that one of the couples were in the audience this evening and wished to speak on their behalf.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Mary Luethner spoke on the receipt of the omitted tax bills for 2004 and 2005.  She stated her land value in 2004 and 2005 was $100,100.00 and in 2006 was reduced by the current Assessor to $59,100.00.  She felt since the Board was looking at reducing the omitted tax portion of the improvements they should be able to also reduce the land value which had been assessed in 2004 and 2005. Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said she had read the statutes, and publications regarding this and talked with the County Treasurer.  She felt this could not be done, their only avenue at this time was to talk with the Assessor to maybe get a credit on next year’s bill. The timeline had past for them to receive a credit or to file a claim for excessive assessment for those two years.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to reduce or delete the 7 bills per the Clerk-Treasurer’s list. Roll call vote taken, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, McGee-absent. Motion carried.

Motion( Webb/Meinke) to deny the Jacobson request per the Clerk’s recommendation. Roll call vote taken – Webb-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes, McGee-absent. Motion carried.


Assessor Update – Brustad read an email from Charlotte Johnson: “2007 is already here and work has begun. 78 statements of personal property have been mailed and due back by March 1st. I have been corresponding with the Dutke attorney.  There have been 181 acres added to the managed forest plan.  105 2006 property sales transfers have been posted to the digital record cards.  As soon as the 2007 workroll is available I can begin correcting errors that were made with the email problem occurring in the 2006 revaluation and making other new changes and property splits for 2007.  We still have about a weeks worth of roadwork as soon as the weather and roads are better. One important issue in front of the legislature this year concerns improvement to the assessment appeal process. The trend has been for taxpayers to put minimum effort to exhaust local administrative remedies at the Board of Review and appeal directly to the state.  The new proposal encourages more efficient use of local resources and speedier resolutions to avoid unnecessary municipal expense and time consuming litigation.  Secondly, Wisconsin Assessors would be expempt from liability for trespassing.  Currently this law only applies to county surveyors and their assisitants.  I will notify you when I plan to be in the area.  Hopefully we can correlate work with one of your monthly meetings.”

FREE Emoticons for your email – by IncrediMail! Click Here!Department Head Reports:


February 20, TOB Meeting

   Mike Collins has returned to work .

   South Shore Sand and Gravel delivered another 132 tons of salt, sand-hopefully this will get us through the rest of the winter.

   As Bud will tell you, we had a busy week at the cemetery the latter part of January. The frost was down 4 feet.

   The pump house by the hockey rink froze up on the fifth of February due to a short to ground on one of the main feed wires underground. A temporary above ground feed was installed, new wires will have to be installed when the ground thaws out.

   Mike made a “hockey rink open” sign and placed it by the Town Hall. There is good ice on the rink at this time.

   Last week, Mike and I burned most of the stumps in the pit on West Idlewild Road. There should be enough room to put the stumps from East Idlewild in there in the spring.

   The septic line froze at the garage on Friday. Mike has informed me that this has happened in the past.

   I have received the 2006 bridge inspection report from Dale Brevak, the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. The report recommends replacement of the Outlet Bay Road bridge, and repair or replacement of the east wing walls on the South Shore Rd.(locks) bridge.  


                Cemetery – Bud Pease reported there were three burials this month: David Jenson buried on January 23rd, Felix Mecikalski buried on January 25th, Tom Friend buried on January 26th

                Fire Department

Renz apologized  for not being able to attend tonight’s meeting as he had family obligations.

Ambulance :   We have had eight ambulance calls since the last meeting. 

1.       Standby for gun shot victim

2.       no transport

3.       self inflicted wound

4.       Atv in water

5.       Chest pain

6.       sick

7.       fall from ladder

8.       fall from ladder


  Fire :        We have had 2 fire runs since the last meeting                   

1.       Possible Ice rescue ATV in the water

2.       Set up landing zone on STH 27 at South Shore Road for fall Victim

Thomas M. Renz

                Ambulance Department – see Fire Department


                Constable Mike O’Keefe read his report. 1, alarm – indoor motion sensor, 1 dog complaint on George Lake Rd, 2 Deer/car hits, 1 assist motorist on highway 27 by Ounce river. 1 check welfare of senior citizen, 1 snowmobile complaint. Mike reported he is still doing weekly cabin checks for out of town residents who have asked him to do so.


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Ingemar Ekstrom reported the committee met last night (2-19-07). They met with Gene Miller on the town’s website.  There will be a presentation next month by the Army Corp of Engineers and Pam Toshner of the DNR at the Board meeting.  Their next meeting will be the 3rd Monday in April. He received a letter of support from the Town of Highland, which was the last thing to include in the grant.  They want to start advertising for positions for the monitors.


                Road Committee – Collyard said the Committee met for the first time, there are 5 members, Greg Martin, Chair, Dick Webb-Secretary, Mitch Mcgee, Jack Meinke, and Jerry Witt, Town Foreman.  Jack gave an overall report of the first meeting. They will be meeting again at the Town Hall on Thursday.  They all were asked to bring to that meeting their ideas to come up with an overall policy for the town roads.  The main goal is for safety.


                Land Use Planning Commission – Gene Ratzel reported the Commission did not meet this month, there were no applications pending.  Collyard said the Plan has been ok’d by zoning but will hear back formally within the next few months. Ratzel said it does have to be approved formally. He would like to get started on the programs, actions and recommendations in the Plan. Collyard said that was fine as long as he stayed within the scope of his charge.  


Contract Renewal for Forest Management of Town Owned Land with Dan Cobb

Jack Meinke read a letter from Dan Cobb regarding the market conditions.  He intends to cut the Lake road property and the Cemetery property. His advice is to hold the Tomahawk property until market conditions improve. The stump dump can wait for someone to chip it.  Meinke asked for the Board’s approval to renew his contract for one year. Motion (Meinke/Webb) to renew the contract with Dan Cobb for one year. Motion carried.


Discussion on support for the Upper St Croix  Watershed Project – Lee Wiesner had asked Chairman Collyard if he would write a letter of support  for the project as the Eau Claire Lakes and Eau Claire river flow into the Upper St Croix River and are part of the same watershed.  The Property Owners Association will be sending a letter of support also.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Chairman send a letter of support for the Upper St Croix Watershed Project. Motion carried.


Discussion on Town Hall Use and Public Records Policy

The Clerk presented a form used by many clerks along with recommended costs to charge the public for a public records request.  The new policy in part addresses the fees:


The requestor of the record is responsible for the actual, reasonable and necessary costs to locate, reproduce and send the records in compliance with the request.  Pursuant to WI Stats 19.35 (3)(a) An authority (the town of Barnes) may impose a fee upon the requestor of a copy of a record which may not exceed the actual, necessary and direct cost of reproduction and transcription of the record, unless a fee is otherwise specifically established or authorized to be established by law.  Advance Payment: Fees due in excess of $5 are payable in advance of sending the records [WI Stats 19.35 (3)f ]. 


The Fees will be charged as follows:

·          Staff's office time for locating and duplicating records determined to be directly related to request – this is calculated at the hourly rate of pay for the lowest paid individual in the department that can locate the information.  

·          Photocopy expenses – 25 cents per page.  (Maximum size copied is 11” x 17”).

·          Color copies – 50 cents per page (Maximum size copied is 8 ½” x 11”)

·          Audio recording - $10.00 tape or CD.

·          Shipping/handling, posting or mailing fees as determined by weight

·          We cannot reproduce photocopies in excess of 11” x 17”.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the new format and costs associated with the Open Records Policy. Motion carried.

It was suggested to put the new form on the website. The Town Hall Use policy was discussed. Suggestions were given on improving the current agreement form and also who would be allowed to use the Hall.  Currently there is no actual policy in place as to who can use it or not use it.  The Town Hall Use Policy will be a work in progress and should be put on the timeline so the Board can track it.


Update on Mosinee Property behind the Town HallCollyard spoke regarding the 35 acres behind the Town Hall that is owned by Mosinee.  He previously had asked if they would be willing to donate the land, they said no. Then he asked if they would be willing to trade for another parcel the town owned, they indicated no.  The last option would be to purchase it outright, and they would not be willing to do that for three years until it comes out of their management program.  Webb asked if they indicated they definitely would sell in three years or would they just consider it?  Collyard was unsure, but thought we should continue to pursue it.  He also said Patrick of Mosinee had looked at all our properties and wondered if the town had anyone managing them.  Collyard told him Dan Cobb had been hired to do that and Patrick thought that was an excellent idea.  Collyard told him it was because of Jack Meinke that the town had implemented this program, before that no one had done it.    


Network Proposal from Cheqtel -  Supervisor Webb wished to abstain form the voting on this item and removed herself from the table.  The current proposal from Network It was $225.00 to maintain our current network computer.  Chequamegon’s proposal was less and the benefits greater. Collyard explained the proposal was a no brainer, it would be cheaper in the long run and provide more services to us than we are getting now.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to go with Chequamegon’s bid for networking the office. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Webb abstained, McGee-absent. Motion carried


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the agenda

Mike O’Keefe wanted to talk about the heliport that Tom O’Brien had offered to pay for. Nothing had been done so far and Tom had not heard from anyone regarding his offer.  Clerk Brustad had also talked with O’Brien and felt the Board should send a letter to Tom thanking him for the offer and also to give him a progress report.  Collyard said he would do that, he had given the information to Tom Renz who is working on it but he would send a letter to OBrien to update him on the progress. It should also be put on the Timeline so the Board revisits it each month.

Ingemar Ekstrom concerned about the alcohol related crime in Barnes, and wondered if there is anything positive that we all could do about it.

Someone asked about putting up signs on Birch Lake road, people are speeding.  Collyard said the speed limit on town roads in 55mph, unless it is posted. The state only lets us go down to 45mph without a lot of changes. That is why most of the roads are not posted, as you don’t want people traveling 55mph on the roads. He suggested calling Jerry Witt, our Town Foreman, to see what can be done.


Issues Timeline Update

Under Town Owned Land the contract was extended for 1 year with Dan Cobb

Fire Department – work in progress with fire billings and policy ordinance, the SOG’s Chris and Tom will be ready to start next month with presenting them to the Board.

Add the Town Hall Use Policy

Add Heliport offer by Tom O’Brien to be installed possibly by the transfer site.


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting.  Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.


Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 8th Day of March, 2007