MAY 21, 2009

President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:08am. The meeting was held at the VFW hall.

Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Jon Harkness, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, Nila Emerich, Dave Emerich and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum was present.

Secretary Lu Peet handed out the copies of the minutes of the April 16th and April 30th meetings. Motion (Jon Harkness/ Helen Ruprecht) to approve these minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Quentin Ruprecht gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:


Beginning Checkbook Balance as of April 1, 2009                                   $          11,444.46

Total Income                                                                                         $               224.50

            Memorials from Emily Davis family                    $  120.00

            Books sold (4)   + postage for 1                          $  104.50


Total Expenses                                                                                      $               843.31

            To Lu Peet

             Raffle Supplies/postage                                    $  320.81

            CPA Anderson, Hager Moe for 990                   $  425.00

            Bayfield Cty Historical Dues                              $    97.50


Ending Checking Account Balance as of May 21, 2009                            $          10,825.65

Savings Account HCCU as of 4-30-2009                                               

            Shares #0 HCCU at .96% for 30m days             $        25.61

            CD #81 HCCU 2.45% 30 days Due 11/2/09       $11,641.75

            CD #82 HCCU 3.1% 30 days Due 10/6/09         $11,493.54

            CD #83 HCCU 3.1% 30 days Due 9/27/09         $  3,578.63

Checking balance as of May 21, 2009                             $10,825.65

Money Assets as of April 30, 2009                                 $37,565.18

Land Value, Costs + Expenses                                       $13,711.50

Total BAHA Assets as of May 21, 2009                                                 $          51,276.68

Motion (Carol Pease/ Jon Harkness) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Quentin said that checks #801-802 weren’t in the report, but would be on next month’s report. Carol Pease said the date on the #83 CD should be 2009, not 2008. Quentin noted the change. Motion carried. Quentin noted that due to an oversight, there were several checks that were not co-signed. He felt the board should make a motion to approve these checks now. Motion (Carol Pease/ Jon Harkness) to approve these checks. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Quentin said that the statements still aren’t coming to him. He will check on the HCCU and State Bank of Drummond to be sure they have his address. He also reported that they are still having problems with their mail forwarding system from Texas.


Correspondence: Carol Pease said that the only correspondence she had was from the Fund Raising Seminar and that we had decided that we weren’t quite ready for this yet. Carol said that she and Dave may go to the Wisconsin Historical Society District Conference in Stevens Point in the fall. Lu will check on the dates, etc. on line and get back to Carol.


Old Business:

1.       Books-New order update and where books have been placed on area stores, etc. Margaret Bossow is taking care of this. Margaret was not present. Lu Peet will contact Margaret to see how things are going and if she has the contracts, etc.

2.       Potential BAHA float for the 4th of July Parade-Carol Pease said that Dave Pease has an Uncle Sam costume and that his beard is coming along OK. There was discussion on getting a big hand like the ones at the ball games to show Dave pointing at parade goers saying “BAHA needs you! Sign up today!” We will need bunting and other decorations. George Martin has indicated that he has some of these materials. Carol Pease said she got some little flags for $6.00 for 6 dozen to hand out along the parade route instead of candy. We could also hand out membership and literature, too. The BAHA banner will go on the float. There was discussion on having one central person to coordinate the parade details. Carol Pease suggested Jan Waddell. Lu Peet will contact Jan to see if she would do this. The Emerich’s will be here for the 4th and will help out. Dave Emerich said he can make a poster or other sign for each side of the float. We will also need a driver and vehicle to tow the float trailer.  Both George Martin and Quentin Ruprecht have trucks and trailers. We will get all information before the June 18th meeting. We could also say “your donations are accepted”. Jon Harkness brought up the idea of having a stand or table to hand out membership forms and brochures at the fireworks. Lu Peet will check with Tom Renz to see if there are any regulations or permits required on this type of activity at the fireworks.

3.       Mylar material for preserving photos, papers, etc.-Margaret Bossow has access to catalogues for this kind of thin g, but wasn’t in attendance . Carol Pease said we also need the spray stuff for newspapers, etc. Carol said that she has an article on Post Mistress Beatrice Howard and also one about Sylvia Ellison.

4.       Book for Memorial Records-Carol Pease said she would ask Sharee Peterson about a catalogue on this type of thing. We could also ask Ariel Amend as she was involved in the Historical Society in Beloit. We could talk to Dave Brately from Washburn.

5.       Donations to the Barnes Ambulance defibrillator costs-was check sent out?-Quentin Ruprecht said that the check had not yet been sent out. He will do this right away.

6.       Added agenda item-Sign for the new land-How is it coming along? - We should get new material for the sign and not use the old Silver Beach Resort sign. It could be a 4’ x 8’ board and could be fastened with 2” x4” boards. Carol Pease said we should authorize the board to have the sign done before the 4th of July. Motion (Carol Pease/ Lu Peet) to get the sign done so it will be up by the 4th of July. Call for discussion. The cost limit should be $500.00. Carol said that Cable Lumber might help us out with the supplies. It was agreed to add the $500.00 to the motion. Motion carried as amended with the $500.00 limit. Jon Harkness will contact Cable Lumber.


New Business:

1.       Work day for Flea Markets –Carol Pease said that we have a lot of puzzles for the flea markets. They are good sellers. We have to call on our members to see who will help out. We need to set a work day to mark the items that we already have.  July 10th is the date for the Flea Market and Pie and Ice Cream Social. It will be held at the VFW grounds and hall this year instead of the town hall. It is much more convenient for the kitchen. Lu Peet will have the posters ready for the June 18th meeting. We will meet after the meeting on June 18th to mark.

2.       We have to set a work day for the new property also so we can put the sign up. This area has to be out of the right-of-way and in the legal location. Jon Harkness, Quentin Ruprecht and Dave Pease will work on brushing the first week in June. They will meet Thursday, June 4th.

3.       The Emerich’s asked if there was someone who would accept donations to the BAHA for the Silent Auction. Lu said she keeps most of the items at her house and that Nila could bring it to her.

4.       Tessmer Construction and Tour of Town of Highland Town Hall-Jon Harkness said we should think of having a storage facility as well as office space, both at the same time. There was discussion on the septic and water issues. We have to check on the codes for fire, etc. We will call George Kornstad of the Town of Highland to set up a tour on June 5th. We should also get in touch with Tessmer Construction, the contractor for the town of Highland project to get their input.

Carol Pease said she had some things from Emily Davis.


Motion (Lu Peet/ Jon Harkness) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:47am. The next regular meeting will be held on June 18, 2009 at 9:00am at the VFW.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet Barnes Area Historical Association, Inc. Secretary

Dated this 8th day of June, 2009