AUGUST 18, 2009



Chairperson Lu Peet called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.  Peet asked for a roll call to establish a quorum/ and motion to approve the August Agenda. 

Roll call taken and all were present.

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad verified the agenda was posted in three places as required.

Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the August Agenda.  Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:





AUGUST 18, 2009 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the August Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report           

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda              

Citizen’s Request for Action:

                Connie Balcom with presentation of petition to not use water from Pickerel Lake

                Request by Thomas Emerson and others to have 25 MPH speed limit signs placed       on Peninsula Road            

Land Use Planning Commission   


1)                   Special Use permit request by Loren and Julie Bohl to rezone their  2 lots at 52190 Hans Road from R-1 and R-2 to entirely R-1

2)                   Special Use Permit request by Dan Gunderson to construct a residence (hunting cabin) on his property at 6925 Mulligan Creek Road in a Forestry 1 (F-1) zoning district

3)                   Special Use Permit request by Peter Mattison and Joan Sutliff to place a residence with a detached 14’x20’ residential storage building on their property located at 4745 County Road N in a commercial zoning district

Department Head Reports:


                                Approval for purchase of approximately $40,000 worth of gravel for future                                                     use

                                Approval of Timeless Services Service Agreement (no charge) for                                                                    collection of computer, electronic and cell phones at the Transfer Site


                Fire and Ambulance Department                  


Committee Reports

                Eurasian Water Milfoil                                      

                Town Hall Maintenance

                                Selection of new committee members to study and prioritize town building                                                    repair needs

                                Approval to have Chequamegon Bay Engineering draw up plans for the                                                            sidewalk and ADA ramp requirements

                                Place additional bulletin board for meeting notices only on the town hall                                                          bulletin board

Operators Licenses:

                1 year renewal licenses for:  Anna Kane

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer 

Dated this 13th day of August, 2009



Peet then asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and motion to dispense with reading of those minutes.


Motion (Porter/McGee)to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report           



General Fund




Checking Balance from last meeting











Check #'s 23979-24082





July Direct tax payments ck #s 337-339




Service Charge July






Interest Earned July





















Money Market











Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting



Transfer from Town Hall Main & Repair fund




Interest earned July


YTD Interest $3,686.22




Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds



Highway Dept. Sinking Fund





BES Sinking Fund






Park Savings

deposit (water) $307.02



Ski Trail Savings






Town Hall Maint & Repair  Fund





ACT 102 Fund






Total all Money Market Funds














Hayward Community Credit Union














June & July



9 Month CD



June & July



9 Month CD



June & July



6 Month CD



June & July






YTD Interest $3,746,61



Total Hayward Community Credit Union
























Brustad reported she had received a check today from the County Treasurer for the August settlement, and wanted approval to place $150,000.00 of that into a CD at one of the approved banks in order to get a better interest rate.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to allow the treasurer to put $150,000.00 into a CD at one of the approved banks.  Motion carried.


Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.   Motion carried.



Voucher’s Approval


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented.  Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad wanted to remind everyone of the Public Hearing for the overlay amendment which will be held at the County Courthouse in Washburn on this Thursday (August 20th) at 4:00PM. 

Brustad said she received a letter from the State Government Accountability Board announcing a grant for any ADA requirement issues.  The grant deadline however is August 28th, so plans needed to be drawn up as quickly as possible to get out to possible bidders.  This will be discussed under the Town Hall Maintenance agenda item. 

Brustad announced the Wisconsin Town’s Association annual conference was coming up. She had copied the Board members the agenda and sign up sheet.  There also was a Sign Retroreflectivity Workshop in Cable on September 3rd for those who wanted to attend.  Lu Peet asked Jerry if he would be going.  Jerry said 90% of all our signs are already in compliance, they were changed out a few years ago. 


Public Comment Session – 3 Minute limit for those not on the agenda

Jon Harkness wanted to remind people also of the Zoning hearing on the 20th.   If someone is not able to attend they can email the zoning department with their indication of support or not for the Barnes Overlay. He also was notified by the DNR that purple loose strife was found in Cranberry lake, and also some found in the channel between the Lower Eau Claire lake and Cranberry Lake.  It is one of the invasive species to be aware of.  You can spot it by its purple flower, and is usually found by the waters edge. The leaves are in twos and circle around at 90 degree angles from each other.  Jack Meinke said they also have a square stem and are ribbed, so they are easy to distinguish.

Patti Joswick said last meeting while discussing the logging at Tomahawk Park the Board mentioned that Carney Road could become a town road if certain paperwork was done.   She wanted to know if the road was indeed a town road or not.  Jerry Witt said it was not.  The statutes give a clear way for residents to petition to add it as a town road.  She can get that information from the Clerk-Treasurer.


Citizen’s Request for Action:


                Connie Balcom with presentation of petition to not use water from Pickerel Lake

Balcom had received at least 30 requests in writing for the DOT to stop using water from the lake.  She wanted to present them to the Board and asked if they would forward them on to the Department of Transportation as they had implied they would at the June meeting.  Webb wanted to read the letters first, as she had not seen any of them.  Balcom said she would come in to the office the next day and have a packet ready for the board to read. It will then be put on the next agenda for approval by the Board to send on.  Webb said if the Board meets before the next Regular Town Board meeting in September we can put that on the agenda for that meeting instead.


                Request by Thomas Emerson and others to have 25 MPH speed limit signs placed on Peninsula Road

Mr. Emerson was not able to make the meeting but Dianne Lanhart said she lived on Peninsula Road and could speak on behalf on the residents there.  The road is a very busy one, with the boat landing.  Chris Webb said the Road Committee should be called back and they can research this.  Brustad should call the members together for a meeting as soon as possible. 


Land Use Planning Commission   

Commission Chair David Pease spoke on the three requests that were addressed at their meeting.  For Loren and Julie Bohl with two lots that were zoned half R-1 and half R-2, the commission recommended approving their request to rezone both to R-1.  For Dan Gunderson’s request, the commission recommended approving that one also as it complies with zoning regulations and Land Use regulations.  The Special Use request by Joan Sutliff & Peter Mattison was also recommended to be approved as it also complies with zoning regulations and is in agreement with the Land Use Plan.




4)                   Special Use permit request by Loren and Julie Bohl to rezone their  2 lots at 52190 Hans Road from R-1 and R-2 to entirely R-1


Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the Special Use permit request by Loren and Julie Bohl to rezone their  2 lots at 52190 Hans Road from R-1 and R-2 to entirely R-1.  Motion carried.


5)                   Special Use Permit request by Dan Gunderson to construct a residence (hunting cabin) on his property at 6925 Mulligan Creek Road in a Forestry 1 (F-1) zoning district


Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the Special Use Permit request by Dan Gunderson to construct a residence (hunting cabin) on his property at 6925 Mulligan Creek Road in a Forestry 1 (F-1) zoning district.  Motion carried.


6)                   Special Use Permit request by Peter Mattison and Joan Sutliff to place a residence with a detached 14’x20’ residential storage building on their property located at 4745 County Road N in a commercial zoning district


Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Special Use Permit request by Peter Mattison and Joan Sutliff to place a residence with a detached 14’x20’ residential storage building on their property located at 4745 County Road N in a commercial zoning district.  Motion carried,


Department Head Reports:



As required by State Law, every Two years, I have just about completed rating all the roads in Barnes. This data then gets put in a data base at the Wisconsin DOT in Madison.

65 ton of dirty sand was broadcast on the Marten road to alleviate the wash boarding. Between the rain we have received, and the addition of the sand, the wash boarding problem is being rectified.

 We have been concentrating our grading effort toward many of our sand roads in the north part of Town to get them in better shape for hunting season.

 We have also been improving the first mile of Mulligan Creek with some ditching and gravel to improve the driving conditions in wet conditions.


                                Approval for purchase of approximately $40,000 worth of gravel for future use

Witt asked for Board approval to order gravel to be stockpiled for future road work as the gravel from the Jerome pit is almost used up.


Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the purchase of approximately $40,000 worth of gravel for future use.  Roll call vote taken: all responded yes.  Motion carried.



                                Approval of Timeless Services Service Agreement (no charge) for collection of computer, electronic and cell phones at the Transfer Site

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad received the notice from Timeless Services and read the announcement to the audience.  Basic computers and other small electronics such as 2-way radios, MP3 players, GPS units, DVD players, and others will have a separate bin set up for recycling at the Transfer Site.  It will be a no charge agreement.


Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Timeless Services Service Agreement (no charge) for collection of computer, electronic and cell phones at the Transfer Site.  Motion carried.



Brustad read Bud Pease’s report:  There was a burial for Walt LaJoie on August 1st.  A cemetery meeting was held on August 6th.  The committee talked about putting up a new fence along the road.


                Fire and Ambulance Department  

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had numerous calls.

2 - transported to St. Lukes,  1 was Gold Cross Intercept

1 – Respond with Fire Department for Power Line Down on Lake Road

1 – ATV Accident Patient transported to Hayward Hospital and patient lifeflighted from there

1 – no transport

1 – Vehicle Accident

The amendment for the ops plan for the EKG is moving completed and mailed again for the second time with the changes made to the Protocol.  Training on EKG was completed and we are just waiting for approval of the Operational change with the State. 

In September we will begin our EMT refresher Course which I have worked out with WITC to hold the class here again so we will not need to travel to complete the training.


Ambulance contract with Town of Highland has been completed and signed.  Highland will pay the old Amount this year and $4000.00 for the next two years but we will also charge for all supplies used out of ambulance besides the normal flat rate. 

Fire Department :

1 - Power Line Down on Lake Road

1 - vehicle accident

1 – Landing Zone that was cancelled

Fire Department completed the propane training we held here in July.  It was a great training experience for everyone involved. 

The Fire Department also attended the Funeral of Walter Lajoie who was past Fire Chief in Barnes.  The Fire Department conducted the Tolling of the Bells conducted at Firefighter funerals. 

The Fire department will also be conducting Face mask Fit testing for fire fighters this month as required by Com 30. 



( 5 ) Alarms form sheriff............( 4 ) Bear complaints.............( 1 ) trespass complaint : on island lake road ( town property )..........( 2 ) check welfare of senior resident...........( 3 ) assist stranded boaters ( on middle ) boats struck rock bar............( 3 ) PWC complaints : to close to shore and after hours...........( 1 ) roll over accident on county A, sixteen year old female driver removed and taken to st marys...... follow fire dept....for traffic control...........( 1 ) Provide security : for street dance at cabin store during ball tournament..........( 6 ) ATV complaints..............( 1 ) Deer hit on hwy 27........(.total hours 80.....total fuel 43 gallons..........total miles 630.).......end report...............(.detailed report on file ).


Committee Reports


                Eurasian Water Milfoil      

Ingemar Ekstrom was not in attendance, but Mitch McGee said the next meeting will be on the 31st of August as some members were gone on vacation. 


                Town Hall Maintenance


                                Selection of new committee members to study and prioritize town building    repair                                     needs

At the Special Town Board meeting on August 4th it was decided to select a committee of 5 residents to study the town hall repair needs.  Peet said the members should be full-time residents as they will be meeting throughout this winter.  The Board will pick the members at the next town Board meeting in September.  The Clerk-Treasurer should post a notice asking for volunteers and they can contact her if they would like to be on the committee.  They should state what strengths they will bring to the committee such as experience in building, architect work, etc.  All committee meetings are open meetings and will be posted as such. 

Motion (Webb/Porter) to start a committee of 5 members from the townspeople.  They can sign up at the Clerk’s office, and the Board will choose the members from the sign up sheet at the next town board meeting in September.  Motion carried.


                                Approval to have Chequamegon Bay Engineering draw up plans for the sidewalk and ADA ramp requirements

Brustad received a letter from the Government Accountability Board just yesterday (August 17th) announcing grants available for ADA requirement issues.  Since the Board has talked about getting the ramps redone this fall she wanted to get approval to get plans drawn up by the engineering firm, then go out for proposals to do the work.  The grant application must have an approved bid, with plans and specifications.  Jerry Witt felt there was no way to get this done before the August 28th deadline.  Brustad thought she could get everything out to bidders by then if the Board would approve her doing it and approve the Engineer to draw up the plans. 


 Motion (Porter/McGee ) to have Chequamegon Bay Engineering draw up plans for the sidewalk and ADA ramp requirements.  Roll call vote taken, all responded yes.  Motion carried.



                                Place additional bulletin board for meeting notices only on the town hall bulletin                                            board

Chair Lu Peet said there was concern that meeting notices were not able to be seen with all the other ads and notices in the bulletin board.  She wanted approval to add a smaller board hooked on the existing one which would be used for Town meeting notices only. 


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the additional bulletin board for town meeting notices only.  It was felt that maybe cleaning out the larger bulletin board first and removing the old stuff, then separating the notices and not putting any notices in the middle where the door frame was would help.  This should be tried first to see if that works.  Motion carried.


Operators Licenses:


                1 year renewal licenses for:  Anna Kane

Brustad said this was a renewal, and Anna had paid the required fee.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the 1 year renewal license for Anna Kane.  Motion carried.


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned land – work in progress

Town Hall Maintenance – work in progress

Re-appointments – all current

Roads – recall road committee to work on speed limits

Zoning- Coder RV extension – Mike Furtak is checking


Brustad said she forgot to ask during Clerk Correspondence if the Board wanted to set the first budget meeting.  She will send out notices to the Department heads for their budget needs.  The board decided on September 10th at 5:00PM. 


Motion(Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of August 18, 2009.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at  7:45PM.




Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad


Dated this 26th day of August, 2009