and CHAPTER 3 SECTION 3-2(d)


Emergency Services Resolution


The town board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted on proper notice with a quorum and by a roll call vote of a majority of the town board present and voting resolves and orders as follows:

Chapter Three (3), Section 3-1(a) of the Town of Barnes Ordinances shall be amended to read:

Establishment.  There is created the Barnes Fire Department to provide fire suppression, fire inspection and fire prevention for the Town of Barnes. The department shall consist of a Chief appointed by the Town Board, Assistant Chief, Secretary-Treasurer and other such members of said fire department as may, from time to time, be appointed by the Fire Chief and approved by the Town Board. The department may be involved with other emergency operations as deemed necessary for the protection of life and property. The department shall follow state requirements described in Wisconsin Administrative Code COMM 30 and national standards established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Chapter three (3), section 3-1(d) of the Town of Barnes ordinances shall be amended to read:

Membership and Organization. Department officers shall include Fire Chief, Assistant Chief and Secretary Treasurer.  The department may hold meetings, and organize and create policies and rules, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Board.  The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Town Board.  The Assistant Chief, Secretary/ Treasurer and additional officer positions shall be appointed by the Fire Chief and approved by the Town Board. Any member may be removed for cause at any time by the Fire Chief or Town Board.  This paragraph shall be effective immediately.

Chapter three (3), section 3-2(d) of the Town of Barnes ordinances shall be amended to read:

Director, Assistant Director and Secretary-Treasurer.  The Ambulance Director shall be appointed by the Town Board.  The assistant director and secretary-treasurer shall be appointed by the Ambulance Director and approved by the Town Board.   Any member of the department may be removed for cause at any time by the Ambulance Director or Town Board. This paragraph shall be effective immediately.

The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

   Town of Barnes


_________________________________                  ________________________________

Lucille Peet-Town Chair                                             Christine M. Webb-Town Supervisor


_________________________________                  _________________________________

Donna Porter-Town Supervisor                                  Jack Meinke-Town Supervisor




Mitch McGee-Town Supervisor


Adopted:  June 15, 2010

Published: __________________                              Posted: ___________________


Attest:____________________________________  Dated:_________________

            Elaine J. Brustad, Town Clerk-Treasurer