OF FEBRUARY 15, 2007



Members in attendance: Carol Pease, Dave Pease, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar and Lu Peet.


President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:15am. There was a quorum of the board in attendance.


The By-Laws were discussed and it was decided to hold off on the voting until all members of BAHA can be notified of a Special Meeting and also when more members will be back in town. Any further corrections on the By-Laws will be done and then sent out to all members at least 15 days before the Special Meeting to be set at a later date.


The Minutes of the January meeting were given to all members by Secretary Lu Peet. Motion (Linda Oberstar / Bob Oberstar) to approve the minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Treasurer Linda Oberstar gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:


Checkbook Balance as of December 21, 2007                                    $          6,446.36

Centennial Book Sales                                                                        $             535.50

Memberships (7)                                                                                           $             325.00

Tickets for February Big Ca$h Winter Fest Raffle                                           $          7,240.00

Note Cards                                                                                                    $               24.00

Bingo (Big Ca$h Winter Fest)                                                             $             465.00

Silent Auction (Big Ca$h Winter Fest)                                                $             402.00

Kitchen Proceeds (Big Ca$h Winter Fest)                                                      $             306.85

Sale of Overage of Meat Packs to VFW                                                         $               56.00

Consignment Fee (Flea Market)                                                                     $                 9.37

Donations                                                                                                      $             255.00

State Farm Insurance (Treasurer’s Bond)                                                       $              (90.00)

Advance Printing of Hayward (Signs for Raffle and Elk Brochures)     $            (346.51)

Northwoods Shopper (Ad for Winter Fest)                                                    $              (50.00)

Paul Mueller VFW (Cleaning of VFW Hall after Winter Fest)              $              (75.00)

Lu Peet (Big Ca$h Winter Fest Expenses)                                                      $            (416.99)

Payoff to Big Ca$h Winter Fest Raffle Winners                                             $         (5,000.00)

Checkbook Balance as of February 15, 2007                                                 $        10,086.58


CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2008, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,000.00 matures on February 16, 2007 at 4.32%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007 at 5.5%


Linda also reported that we had 17 new members since 2005. Carol Pease said that we need to get the membership money and labels to the Bayfield County Historical Society soon. Dave Thorson will be attending the meeting on the 5th of March. Lu and Linda will get together and review the membership list.  Motion (Bob Oberstar / Lu Peet) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given, with any corrections as noted. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


There was discussion about transferring  CD Two that is maturing on the 16th of February for $10,000.00 plus $321.25 interest earned, to the Credit Union in Hayward as the rates are a little higher there than at the State Bank of Drummond. Linda felt we should keep one CD at the local bank as a sign of support, even though the rates may not be as good. We could put $5,000.00 in new money in the State Bank of Drummond. Motion (Lu Peet / Bob Oberstar) to put the money from CD Two for $10,321.25 into a CD at the Hayward Credit Union and to put new money of $5,000.00 into a new CD in the State Bank of Drummond. Call for discussion. Linda said that she would check out the rates for various month rates and pick put the best rate for the CDs. Motion carried.


Linda Oberstar reported on the raffle and said that we made about $5,000.00 on the Winter Fest. The report on the Big Ca$h Winter Fest was presented as follows:

Tickets-452 sold                                                                                                       $  9,040.00

Silent Auction                                                                                                           $     402.00

Bingo                                                                                                                       $     465.00

Food                                                                                                                       $     362.85

Donations                                                                                                                $     255.00

Centennial Book Sales, Memberships, Note cards                                                      $     198.00

Winners paid off                                                                                                      $ (5,000.00)

Signs                                                                                                                       $      (92.25)

Cleaning of the VFW                                                                                                $      (75.00)           

Winter Fest Expenses (Food, paper products, etc.)                                                   $    (416.99)

Northwoods Shopper                                                                                               $      (50.00)

Net Profit                                                                                                                 $   5,088.61


Carol Pease asked if the amount of $68.00 for the tickets had been deducted from this amount. Linda said it hadn’t been. Linda said there was also another ad for the Shopper of about $50.00 that hadn’t come in yet as well.      


There was discussion on having the Big Ca$h Winter Fest again next year as it was a big success. There was discussion on getting the tickets ordered earlier this year so that the tickets can be available for the summer if we do have the event again. Motion (Linda Oberstar / Bob Oberstar) to have the event again and to have the tickets ordered earlier. Call for discussion. Carol Pease said that we should put the location of the event on the tickets next time. The new date will be February 2, 2008. There was discussion on getting the new number for the raffle. Lu Peet will check with Nori Newago to see if Northwest Heritage would be able to be the sponsor for us as we still don’t have the 501( c)(3) number. Motion carried. Lu Peet will contact Nori about this and will also check with the state.


There was no discussion on the mission statement as Jon Harkness was not present.


Bob Oberstar reported that the committee for the land had no news, but that he had talked to Town Supervisor Jack Meinke about the town’s talks with the timber companies about some land trades. This is still on going.


There was no news on the elk as Quentin Ruprecht is still out of town.


There was discussion on the fleas markets for this summer. Carol Pease said that there will one on the 14th of July (This was the one that AARP originally hosted and is held at the Town Hall site) and then one at the VFW on the 21st of July. These are the only scheduled flea markets, but there could be others. We may have another end of season sale like the one we had at the VFW Turkey Shoot in September of this past year as this was a success. We should place a free ad in the Shopper asking for donations for the flea market sales. Lu Peet will do this for the months of April and May. There may be a bigger ad put in nearer the events as well as poster put up around town. It was decided to do a pie and ice cream social type of thing at the flea market on the 14th of July. Lu will send out at the end of February the letters that have already been written and addressed by AARP to the previous sellers.


There was discussion on doing a survey to see what the town’s people would like to see as far the museum issue is concerned. We will decide on this at a later date.


Motion (Lu Peet / Linda Oberstar) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The next meeting will be held on March 15, 2007 at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes.


Respectfully submitted,



Lu Peet

Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary