OF DECEMBER 21, 2006


The members of BAHA met for a breakfast / brunch at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes. We enjoyed a good meal and good company.


President Dave Pease then called the regular meeting to order at the end of the meal (about 10:00am).


Members of the association present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Judi Scholz, Helen Ruprecht, Quentin Ruprecht, Linda Oberstar, Bob Oberstar and Lu Peet.


The Amended Minutes of the November meeting had been distributed by the secretary. Motion (Carol Pease / Helen Ruprecht) to approve the amended minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Treasurer Linda Oberstar gave the following treasurer’s Report:

Checkbook Balance as of 11/16/2006                                                 $          5,887.86

Centennial Book Sales                                                                       $               28.50

Memberships (3)                                                                               $               55.00

Tickets for February Raffle                                                                $             640.00

Donations                                                                                         $             150.00

United States Treasury 501( c) (3)                                                      $            (300.00)

Petty Cash                                                                                        $              (15.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 12/21/2006                                                 $          6,446.36



CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2008, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,000.00 matures on February 16, 2007, at 4.32%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007, at 5.5%


Linda said that she went to the Credit Union in Hayward for the CD as the rate was better.

Motion (Carol Pease / Lu Peet) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Lu Peet presented the insurance proposal for the Treasurer’s Bond for $90.00 from State Farm Insurance Company. The policy for the errors and omissions has not yet been provided to us. The cost for the Treasurer’s Bond is $90.00. Motion (Judi Scholz / Dave Pease) to pay the $90.00 to State Farm for the Treasurer’s Bond. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Linda will write a check today so that Lu can mail this back to Teri Danielson of State Farm.


There was discussion on when we have to pay the dues to Bayfield County Historical Society. Lu Peet said that she had contacted Vern Gilles, Treasurer of the society and he said that when our memberships are in to send it in then.  Lu informed him that our memberships were due in January. We should send the money in either in January or February.


There was discussion on donations and how we treat them. Linda said she sends out a thank you to those who donate. We don’t have our 501 (c) (3) number yet, but we do have a number through the Bayfield County Historical Society to use for tax deductible donations.



The discussion on the Mission Statement was postponed due to the absence of Jon Harkness.


The By-Laws were discussed. The secretary had sent out the updated By-Laws to the members for their review and for any changes. There were no changes to be noted before the meeting. However, after reading them through at this meeting, there were several changes that should be done. The secretary will do the few changes and get the newly revised By-Laws out to the members for their review again. We will then approve them at the February meeting.


The February Fund Raiser was discussed next. Ticket sales are going Ok, but a lot more need to be sold. We will give a free hot beef sandwich meal with each new application with a limit of one per membership. This may help recruit new members. We will need help with the raffle event. Dave Pease said that he would be able to call part of the Bingo. Julie and Jim Johnson and family are supposed to be able to help with Bingo also. Carol Pease has made a list of what still needs to be done, what we need for food, etc. Lu will get the sheet from Carol and make up a spread sheet for the event.


Bob Oberstar spoke on the land issue. He said that he met with Fritz Barnes and that Bob considered this a good step forward. They discussed various concerns and Fritz said that he would get back with us on the land. Bob said that Fritz was very cordial. Fritz said that he has concerns over what the townspeople feel. We still have the other land options to look at. There was discussion that we as an organization contact Mosinee on the land in back of the town hall site. We should send them a copy of the Elk Brochure and other museum information.


Quentin spoke on the Silver Beach Elk. There have been no new developments, but the new brochure has been printed. This will go out in all of the tax bills.


Judi Scholz said that we need to bring out the historical happening of Barnes at our meetings. Perhaps we could do something on the families of Barnes. This might bring more local people into our group.


Bob Oberstar said that we need to increase our memberships. We need more people to work on committees.


The committee for the raffle will meet before the event to get everything worked out. Lu will schedule the meeting. There will be no general meeting in January. The next regular meeting will be February 15, 2007 at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes.


The meeting was adjourned at about 11:30am.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary