OF MAY 17, 2007



Members present: Nori Newago, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar, Carol Pease, Dave Pease, Judi Scholz, Jon Harkness, George Martin, Helen Ruprecht, Quentin Ruprecht, Kurt Kuhlman, Mike Bowes, Judy Neider and Lu Peet.


President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:00am.


Motion (Linda Oberstar/ Carol Pease) to accept the minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


There was no Treasurer’s Report at the April meeting as it was not an official meeting. The following Treasurer’s Report for April and May is as follows:

Checkbook Balance as of 3/15/2007                                   $         5,181.58

Centennial Book Sales                                                       $            100.00

Memberships (4)                                                               $              80.00

Bayfield County Historical Society-Verne Gilles                  $            (95.00)

NWHC-Renew raffle license                                             $            (25.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 4/19/2007                                   $         5,241.58


CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2008, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,426.81 matures on December 6, 2007, at 5.15%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007, at 5.5%

CD Four for $5,000.00 matures on August 28, 2007, at 5.07%


Checkbook Balance as of 4/19/2007                                   $         5,241.58

Centennial Book Sales                                                       $              28.50

Memberships (1)                                                               $              25.00

Donations                                                                         $              50.00

Checkbook Balance as of 5/17/2007                                   $         5,345.08


CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2007, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,426.81 matures on December 6, 2007, at 5.15%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007, at 5.5%

CD Four for $5,000.00 matures on August 28, 2007, at 5.07%


Motion (Nori Newago / Lu Peet) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Carol Pease asked if the check had been cashed yet for the 501 (c) (3). It has not been cashed yet Linda said. Motion carried.


The By-Laws were discussed and the new changes were noted. Article VIII Affiliations D. 1.will read: There will be two (2) named representatives to the Bayfield County Historical Society.

Motion (Jon Harkness / Carol Pease) to accept the By-Laws as amended. Call for discussion. It was noted that the By-Laws may be changed in the future and are a work in progress anyway. Motion carried.

The Mission Statement was discussed next. Jon Harkness handed out a paper on the mission statement and spoke on what he felt were the elements needed in the mission statement. This is what the purpose of our organization is. After much input and discussion, the following Mission Statement was approved:


Mission Statement of the Barnes Area Historical Association

Our purpose is sharing the history of the Barnes area through preservation and education.


Motion (Jon Harkness / Mike Bowes) to approve the Mission Statement as read. Call for discussion. There was discussion on being able to shorten the statement for use on mugs and tee shirts, etc. This we will be able to do. Motion carried.


There was discussion of the two upcoming flea markets in July. The first one will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday July 14, 2007 and will also be a pie and ice cream social and the other one will be on Saturday July 21, 2007 at the VFW hall.


Judi Scholz will be in charge of the Authors, Artists and Artifacts presentation that will be held during the week of the Fourth of July at the Town Hall. She will contact the people and arrange the layout. There was discussion about contacting Claudia Draganowski about the artifacts. The Pease’s also have some.


Dave Pease spoke on the CCC Camp Program that will be held at the Drummond School at 6:30pm on June 14, 2007. Bob Oberstar asked what this would entail. Dave said they needed people to help out at various times with programs, refreshments, etc.


Bob Oberstar reported on the land situation. He said we still have the commitment from the town on the land in back of the current town hall. He is still going to speak with Fritz Barnes as well. There was discussion on sending out letters to others who might have land that would be good for the museum. We need an artist’s rendering of the proposed building to get people excited about the museum. Bob said he still has to contact the two architects on this. There was discussion on getting grants. Jon Harkness asked if Jan Dykema could help us out with this. He also said that the idea of going into the town complex would not be a bad idea. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. Mike Bowes said he would be willing to work on looking at the grants. Nori Newago said that there is the Museum Association for getting information too. Dave Pease said that the town changes every 4-5 years and we have to be careful of letting the museum become political. Carol Pease said that we have to know what we need for the museum such as a gift shop, offices, and curation and display areas. Quentin Ruprecht mentioned the idea of the combination of a library and museum. There was discussion on this issue. There could be positions available for interns and apprentices to work at the museum.


Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Quentin Ruprecht) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The next meeting will be June 21, 2007 at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Secretary Barnes Area Historical Association