OF OCTOBER 16, 2008


President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:24 am. [The meeting was preceded by an informal continental breakfast that was hosted by George Martin, Helen and Quentin Ruprecht and Lu Peet.]


Members present: George Martin, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Sally Pease, Jon Harkness and Lu Peet. A quorum was established. 


Approve the Minutes of the September Regular Meeting: Lu Peet gave a copy of the minutes to all of the members. Motion (Jon Harkness / Carol Pease) to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Approve the Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Quentin Ruprecht gave the members a detailed report as follows:

Checking Balance as of 9/18/2008                                                         $          (1,722.09)

Deposits-16 tickets plus petty cash amount 9/30/08                                  $            ( 323.19)

Deposit from State bank of Drummond CD # 2631 8/30/08                      $          8,590.14

Vacationland Surveyors-VFW Land 10/1/08                                           $              724.00

Deposit one (1) couple membership, one (1) ticket 10/10/08                     $                45.00

Checkbook Balance as of 10/16/2008                                                     $          9,956.42



CD One #81 for $11,035.09 at 4.50% maturing on February 2, 2009 (HCCU)

CD Two # 82 for $10,035.09 at 4.75% maturing on January 6, 2009 (HCCU)

CD Three # 83 for $3,367.77 at 4.75% maturing on December 27, 2008 (HCCU)


Total money Assets +/_ Interest                                                             $          34,394.37

Land Investment                                                                                   $          10,394.37


Motion (Lu Peet / Carol Pease) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Motion carried.

Quentin further stated that he has had his signature changed at the State Bank of Drummond and has also changed the address to his address for the bank and for the credit union. Linda and Dave still have to stop by the credit union and sign the cards. BAHA’s fiscal year is officially October 1st to September 30th of each year. This concurs with the federal paperwork. Documents for the 2007 fiscal year have been turned over in to Randy Pascal (CPA) Hayward, to be completed for the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing for form 308(?) and the IRS form 990 (?). We will apparently have to file IRS form 990-N (on line) each fiscal year giving 30 days to file after the fiscal year. This work should be completed by Randy early this next week. Quentin said that the new members are Chuck and Jackie Dodson. The Annual Meeting will be held on the 3rd Thursday of October from now on to keep with the fiscal year. There was discussion on keeping the practice of having someone check the bank book each meeting to be in accord with the bonding requirements.



Lu Peet said that she had gotten an email from Kurt Kuhlman saying that he would be unable to make the meeting today, but is working on the brochures. Lu Peet said she had spoken with the Barnes Town Clerk about putting this brochure into the tax statements and it is OK for us to do so. Carol Pease said that she had received a thank you letter from the DNR in regard to the use of our chairs and tables at the DNR’s recent fire training session in September. Our equipment has been returned to us, some is in storage at the Pease’s and some at the Ruprecht’s. Carol also said that she has some file boxes, display cases and other items that will be needed for the new museum. Lu Peet said that she has received a signed copy of Jim Hardy’s book for the museum.


Old Business:

  1. Signs-There has been no meeting as to date of the sign committee. Quentin Ruprecht said that this has to be done before the ground freezes. Mike Bowes is the head of the committee. Lu Peet will contact him about a meeting.
  2. Land Issues-Dave Pease has instructed the attorney to add the clause about the first right of refusal [both for the BAHA and the VFW] to the contract. The BAHA will give the final payment of $2,500.00 to the VFW at signing.
  3. Building Committee and plans-There has been no meeting of the building committee. Jon Harkness spoke on the issue that we need to figure out what it is that we want and need and where the building will be located on the new property. The storage building would presumably put back a little further from the road to allow us to put up the actual museum building in the future. We need a place to be able to store our items and possibly have some office space, etc.  Quemtin Ruprecht said that he has had some emails from Dr. Hudson in regard to the elk bones. The group decided that late spring to early summer would be the time to start on the building. We would contact the builders closer to that time to get a more accurate cost estimate. It was stated that the sign should go in as soon as possible however. There was discussion on whether to have a wooden stick built structure or a metal pole type building. It was discussed that a stick built building might be easier to partition and also expand on for the future. Ariel Amend is supposed to have some preliminary drawings for a proposed museum Carol Pease said. The building committee needs to meet to discuss this. Dave Pease said that all of this is contingent on the finalization of the land transfer and assessment of the site. There was discussion on eventually getting some of the site cleared this fall. Some of the members will get together as soon as the land deal is done to do this and assess the site.
  4. Treasurer’s Bond-Quentin Ruprecht said that he had filled out the required paperwork and that he will send in the money for the amount due of $90.00 for Linda’s bond. He has not gotten a bill for his bond as yet. Motion (Carol Pease / Lu Peet) to approve the paying of the treasurer’s bond for $45.00 [or whatever it will be]. Call for discussion. Motion carried.
  5. Final Financial Report and document for state form-Quentin said that he would get the financial report as soon as it is done so that we can finalize our issues with the state.


New Business:

  1. Historian-Quentin Ruprecht felt that Kurt Kuhlman would make an excellent Historian. Quentin said that he has already approached Kurt on this matter and that Kurt seems agreeable to this. Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Carol Pease) to ask Kurt Kuhlman to be the Historian for BAHA. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Carol will contact Kurt on this.
  2. Next meeting date-The next meeting will be in January. The date is January 15, 2009. It will be held at the VFW at 9:00am. There will be no scheduled meetings until then. We will meet only as needed.
  3. Membership Drive-Lu Peet said that she would be sending out the renewal forms early in November. The yearly memberships expire December 31st. There was discussion on putting in some wording to encourage the members to help enlist new members. There was discussion about having some incentive plans for next summer for new memberships. Lu said that she planned top send out a special invitation for our old members who have dropped out asking them to reconsider renewing their memberships.


There was discussion on the latest issue of the Visitor. It had an article on elk in it. There was also discussion on contacting Gordon MacQuarrie’s wife as to any photos or other memorabilia she might be willing to donate to BAHA.


Motion (Carol Pease / Helen Ruprecht) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:42am.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary


Dated this 21st day of October 2008