The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by President Dave Pease.


Members present were Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Nori Newago, Linda Oberstar, Bob Oberstar, Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, Kurt Kuhlman, Jon Harkness and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum was present.


The secretary handed out the Minutes of the October 18, 2007 meeting to the members. Motion (Jon Harkness / Helen Ruprecht) to approve the Minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Treasurer Linda Oberstar gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:


Checkbook Balance as of 10/18/2007                                                                  $         5,516.18

Centennial Book Sales (3)                                                                        $              82.00

Memberships (3)                                                                                     $              65.00

Tickets                                                                                                              $            560.00

Donation                                                                                                 $                5.00

Town of Barnes - Calendar of Events Fee                                                $             (50.00)

Northwoods Shopper Ad                                                                          $             (20.00)

State Farm Fire & Casualty – Treasurer’s Bond                                       $             (90.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 11/15/2007                                                                  $         6,068.18



CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2008, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,426.81 matures on December 6, 2007, at 5.15%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007, at 5.5%

CD Four for $8,124.91 matures on September 28, 2008 at 5.25%


Linda asked if we need to keep any extra money out for Winterfest.  It was decided that this would not be necessary. She said she will put the additional flea market money made this year into the flea market CD and renew it. Carol said that there was an additional amount of $18.75 to add to that total. This CD matures on the 18th of November of this year. Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Bob Oberstar) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. There was discussion on whether or not the IRS had gotten our name change request. Linda said she had not gotten any word on this yet, neither had Lu or Nori. Nori had called however to check on this, but has had no written response. Lu Peet’s address will now be the official mailing address for the BAHA as it is hard to get the mail at the town office. It will also be changed on the BAHA letterhead. Motion carried.        


Old Business:

  1. Ticket sales-Ticket sales are slow so far, but are picking up. The local establishments have tickets to sell over deer hunting.      
  2. Prizes-Some silent auction items have come in and we are beginning to get various other prizes as well. The local establishment have also committed to giving us gift certificates, prizes, etc. We could also have BAHA tee shirts and Centennial books as prizes.
  3. Posters for Winterfest-The posters have been distributed to various locations in town and nearby areas. Carol and Dave Pease have put them up in Iron River and some other areas. Nori Newago has also put posters up in the Washburn area.
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Building-The Airport Observation Building was discussed. It was decided that because at this time we have no land and we don’t have adequate funds to put in the foundation and then to support the building with infrastructure, electrical, security and insurance coverage and the fact that the building itself is not really a Barnes historical building, we will have to decline Mr. Ertel’s offer of the building.
    2. Land- Bob Oberstar said that he has been in contact with Dick Collyard, Town Chairman, but has not received any assurances that the land behind the town hall will be ours. It was decided that we should go for a lease agreement with the town instead of having them sell it to us or give it to us as this would eliminate the need for a special town meeting for this purpose. BAHA is on the agenda for the regular town board meeting on Tuesday, November 20th. Dave and Carol Pease and Lu Peet will go and Bob Oberstar will try to attend. The signed letter will be sent to the board with our objectives. Jon Harkness discussed having the physical land description drawn up by Duke Marten. Bob Oberstar said we have to get going on this. Nori Newago said that we should not put the building up just anywhere. There was discussion on the site and that we need to have a secure location. Jon Harkness said we need to establish goals.  Quentin Ruprecht said that Cable has started its building, but that theirs is a different type of building than what we are looking at.


New Business:

  1. Handouts from the Eau Claire Convention-Carol Pease said that she forgot to bring them today.
  2. Recap of County Historical Meeting-internships; IRS presentation; computerization; special projects. Carol said we should stop using the County Historical Society’s number since we now have our own. Carol said that Janet Dykema is now Janet Seymour. Carol also said that Sheri Peterson would be willing to help us.
  3. Membership-The renewals are coming in, but there are a few that haven’t returned their forms yet. Lu has gotten back quite a few responses to the survey. All of the members have stated positively on having some meetings on Saturdays. The new Calendar of Events has these meetings listed. The time and place will be sent out to the members before hand. Lu will remind those that haven’t returned the membership and survey forms when the December Minutes go out. There was discussion on having hand outs at the door for Winterfest such as a packet of information on BAHA. We could also announce membership information over the loud speaker.
  4. Recognition party or dinner-There was discussion on having a party or dinner for our members to show appreciation for what members have done over the year. People like to be recognized. There will be more discussion on this at a future meeting.


There will be a meeting of the Riverfest Project tonight in Gordon. Lu Peet and Dave and Carol Pease will attend. This is for the Authors and Artists and Spoken History events that will be held in Barnes in June of 2008. Jon Harkness said that the Property Owners Association has broadened its cliental and is not just the Eau Claire Lakes anymore. It includes the whole watershed area. 


A committee was established to look into getting tee shirts made up with the BAHA logo on them. There would be distinctive shirts for the members and we would sell the others to the public. Members of the committee are Carol Pease, Helen Ruprecht, Quentin Ruprecht and Lu Peet. They will meet this coming Tuesday at 10:00am at Lu Peet’s home to look into this project.


Bob Oberstar said that we need to make a motion on the building. Motion (Bob Oberstar / Lu Peet) to decline the offer of the building from Mr. Ertel because of our current concerns of land and financing, but to accept the contents of the buildings. Mr. Ertel would be asked to continue to support our efforts, both by future donations and possibly joining our organization. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Lu Peet will contact Mr. Ertle and also write a letter to him thanking him for his offer and to express our desire to have him continue with his support of BAHA and possibly becoming a member.


Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Quentin Ruprecht) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The next meeting will be held at Downtown Barnes on Tuesday December 20, 2007 at 9:00am.


Respectfully submitted,



Lu Peet Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary

Dated December 13, 2007