OF MARCH 15, 2007



President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:07am.


Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar, Nori Newago, Jon Harkness and Lu Peet.


Secretary Lu Peet gave a copy of the minutes to all members. Motion (Jon Harkness / Linda Oberstar) to accept the Minutes of the February 15, 2007 Meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Linda Oberstar gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:


Checkbook Balance as of 2/15/2007                                              $         10,086.58

Centennial Book Sales                                                                  $                75.00

Memberships                                                                               $                40.00

Donation                                                                                      $                25.00

Northwoods Shopper                                                                    $               (45.00)

State Bank of Drummond                                                             $         (5,000.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 3/15/2007                                              $            5,181.58


CD One for $10,431.82 matures on January 2, 2008, at 5.30%

CD Two for $10,426.81 matures on December 6, 2007, at 5.15%

CD Three for $1,345.00 matures on November 18, 2007, at 5.5%

CD Four for $5,000.00 matures on August 28, 2007, at 5.07%


Linda also gave the updated Big Ca$h Winter Fest final report as follows:

Tickets-452 sold                                                                           $         9,040.00

Silent Auctr5ion                                                                            $             402.00

Bingo                                                                                           $             465.00

Kitchen Proceeds                                                                         $             362.85

Donations                                                                                    $             255.00

Books, Memberships, Note Cards                                                  $             198.00

Winners                                                                                       $         (5,000.00)

Silver-Tonsberg-Ticket Printing                                                     $              (68.00)

Signs                                                                                           $              (92.25)

Cleaning VFW Hall                                                                      $              (75.00)

Kitchen Expenses                                                                         $            (416.99)

Northwoods Shopper                                                                    $              (95.00)

Net Profit                                                                                    $           4,975.61


There was discussion on the Big Ca$h Winter Fest. Dave Pease explained why we did not need a license for the bingo. We don’t give out any money at the bingo. We will send in a renewal for our raffle license so that we can get a new number and then have the tickets printed for next year’s winter fest. Motion (Jon Harkness / Bob Oberstar) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Motion carried.        

Jon Harkness discussed the Mission Statement. He said that the criteria ought to accomplish several things; A. It should answer for the BAHA on who we are, what we stand for and what is our purpose; B. It ought to be a simple statement or sentence that at a glance gives the answers to the above. Jon said the by-laws pretty much state what we want to say. Jon handed out a paper on some of his ideas and suggested that all of us review the items and come back to the next meeting with our own ideas. We will bring this back up for discussion at the April meeting.


There was discussion on the summer fund raisers. Carol Pease listed the dates for the flea market which are July 14th (the one that AARP used to have at the Town Hall and that we are now taking over) and the one on July 21st at the VFW. Lu will put a free ad in the Northwoods Shopper asking people for their unwanted items for the flea markets. This will run for the months of April and May. We will have a pie and ice cream social for the flea market on July 14th.  We will ask for donations of various pies. Carol said that we still have some items at the consignment store, but that this is not a problem with the owner of the shop.


There was discussion on having a special meeting of the membership to approve the amended by-laws. This will be set for the 17 th of May 2007. Lu will get a copy of the final amended by-laws to all of the members and a notice of the special meeting. This will be held at Downtown Barnes on Thursday May 17, 2007 at 9:00am.


There was discussion on paying for the renewal of the raffle license. Motion (Lu Peet / Jon Harkness) to pay $25.00 to the state for the raffle license renewal. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Linda will give a check for this amount to Nori Newago and she will take care of sending in the application. We have to do this under the Northwest Heritage Association as we still don’t have our own 501( c) (3) number.


There was no elk report as Quentin Ruprecht was still out of town.


There was no new news as far as the land is concerned. Talks are still on track. The land in question is still in the Forest Crop Program. There was discussion on several options that BAHA could take. One would be to lease space from the town if the town builds a new town hall. We need to get a plan of what our museum would look like to generate more interest in the museum. These ideas will be brought to the next meeting. There was discussion on being careful to not exclude the “summer” people in our ideas.


Motion (Bob Oberstar / Lu Peet) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Secretary Barnes Area Historical Association