OF FEBRUARY 19, 2009

President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:11am. The meeting was held at the VFW hall.

Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Jon Harkness, George Martin, Dean Peet, Mike Bowes, Linda Oberstar and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum was present.

Secretary Lu Peet distributed the minutes of the January 15, 2009 meeting to the members. The minutes of the Special February 6, 2009 meeting had been sent out earlier. Motion (Jon Harkness / Carol Pease) to approve the minutes of both meetings as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.

Lu Peet gave the initial report on the Winterfest and raffle as follows:

Winterfest Report 2009 - Initial Report February 15, 2009         


Ticket Sales (403)                                                                    $     8,060.00

Kitchen Proceeds                                                                     $        160.00

Bingo Proceeds                                                                        $        442.25

Silent Auction Proceeds                                                            $     1,111.50

Table Items

6 T shirts @ $8.50                               $   51.00-

3 glass mug sets @ $5.00                     $   15.00

2 Books @$25.00                               $   50.00

Total    Table Sales                                                          $     116.00  

Total gross Winterfest Proceeds                                              $  9,889.75

Paid Out Winterfest:

Raffle Winners                                                                 $   5,000.00

Upper Lakes Foods                                                                    $      182.17

Blue Boards Paid to VFW                                                           $          6.00

                                                                                                   $   5,188.17

Miscellaneous Income (not Winterfest)

Overpayment on shipping to Upper Lakes Foods

(Overpayment credited to VFW-went to pay for Blue Boards) $         6.00

Meat sold to Judy Bradford 5 #’s @ $5.80 per #                          $       29.00

3 Single Memberships                                                                   $       45.00

                                                                                                     $      80.00      

Still outstanding for Winterfest (Unknown amounts at this time):

3 ads for Shopper

Food and other expenses due Lu Peet 

[Also due Lu Peet - Postage to send books, etc. (not totaled at this time-not Winterfest related)]

The cost of the meat paid out to Upper Lakes Food is not included in this report and will be included in the final report. Carol Pease also said that the signs should be included.

Lu Peet said that she has sent out all of the thank you notes and donation receipt forms to those that donated items and helped with Winterfest.

Motion (Jon Harkness / Mike Bowes) to approve the initial report on Winterfest as presented. Call for discussion. Dave Pease said that we had 35 item donated to the Silent Auction. Lu Peet said that we were very glad to get the four Ducks Unlimited signed prints from John and Ariel Amend. This boosted our auction amount considerably. It was noted that we did not have as much bidding on the items as we did in the past. Everything was bid on at least for the minimum bid price however. Motion carried.

There was no Treasurer’s Report as Quentin Ruprecht said he has not been able to get all of the information through the mail in Texas. He will give a complete report at the next regular meeting in April when he returns. He has also contacted the CPA as to the 990 postcard for the taxes. It was more than he thought he could do and felt it was important to get everything right. Lu Peet said that we have to send in our Annual Financial Report by the 31st of March. This must reflect the time period of October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008. She will contact Quentin on having the CPA’s advice on this also. It should be the same information that was on the form that was done for our Articles of Incorporation. Linda Oberstar said that the address changes still were not complete. The Pease’s said they would check with the Hayward Community Credit Union to get this done. Lu Peet will forward the statement to Quentin.

Correspondence: Carol Pease report that the Genealogical Society wants us to fill out the form they sent out. Lu Peet will do this. There was discussion on why this was necessary. It was noted that the societies use this information that may not be available elsewhere. Lu Peet reported on the notice of the Spring Workshops put on by the Historical Society. There was discussion on these workshops and it was noted that we were not quite ready for any of these workshops and that our money could be best used elsewhere.

Old Business: There was discussion on the CD’s. Carol and Dave Pease reported that they renewed the CD at the credit union on February 3, 2009 at 2.4% interest for a 9 month period. It will come due in November of 2009. It will be the end of summer before the other CD’s need to be renewed.

New Business:

Reorder of Centennial Books-There was discussion on reordering the Centennial Book. The book has been a really great seller as of late, probably do to the brochure that went out with the town tax bills. We are down to about 50 books. Linda Oberstar said that she has the disk for the books. There was discussion on how many we should order. The printer in Hayward will be contacted to see how much various quantities would cost. George Martin felt we should get 500 if the price is right. We lost a lot of money by being too conservative in the past. Mike Bowes will check with the printer and get back to us at the next meeting in April. He will also inquire on how long it would take to get the books printed. Jon Harkness thought it might be a good idea to have a roving cart or something of that sort to sell the books at the 4th of July parade and also at the town fireworks. There would be a lot of people we could reach.

Donation to the Barnes VFW Post 8329 and payment of cleaning fee for the Winterfest to the VFW-Lu Peet asked the members to consider making a donation to the Barnes VFW as they have been very good to us this past year. We meet in their facility at no charge to us and they have let us use the kitchen and have offered us the use of other items as well. It was suggested that we donate $100.00 at this time. We can always give more later if we decide to do so. Motion (Lu Peet / George Martin) to donate $100.00 to the Barnes VFW Post 8329 and pay them the cleaning fee of $75.00 for the Winterfest event. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Lu Peet will get the check made out and have Dave Pease sign it and then send it out to the VFW.

Sign Committee Report: Mike Bowes said that he has talked with his wife Marilyn about getting the sign for the newly purchased land done. He said she was able to do the painting. Quentin Ruprecht has the old sign from the resort that might be used. The county has sign restrictions that have to be addressed. Lu Peet will contact zoning person Mike Furtak about the requirements. Some of the issues are: maximum size; type of wording that can be used; setbacks from the road; are literature boxes allowed; do we need a permit and, if so, how much will it cost; can an informational phone number be included. Lu will report back on this at the April meeting. There was discussion on how the sign might look. It was agreed that our logo design would be good to have on the sign. Our brochure was shown as an example of how it could look, using similar language as well.

Carol Pease said that she has been approached by a couple who are moving from Barnes to out of state and would like to donate some of their items to BAHA for the flea market. They plan to leave in March and the Pease’s will store the items in their garage until we have the flea markets this summer. She will need help with the picking up of the items. Several members said they would be able to help with this.

Lu Peet suggested that we have a breakfast meeting for our next regular meeting on April 16th. The members agreed to this. Lu will contact the members to get the food organized before the meeting. It will be at the VFW hall at 9:00am on April 16, 2009.

Motion (Carol Pease / Mike Bowes) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15am.

Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet-Secretary, Barnes Area Historical Association, Inc.

Dated this 20th day of February 2009