OF APRIL 19, 2007



The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dave Pease.


Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar and Lu Peet.


Because there was not a quorum of the board present, this meeting was informational only. The Minutes of the March 15, 2007 meeting and the Treasurer’s Report will be OK’d at the next meeting.


It was decided to have a Special Meeting of the members on May 17, 2007. The members will vote on approving the Amended By-Laws and also to come up with a Mission Statement. All members are encouraged to attend and bring their ideas for this to the meeting.


There was discussion on paying for our memberships for the Bayfield County Historical Society. Linda Oberstar will send in the money for the members that have paid and then send future memberships in later. Linda also reported that several checks still have not been cashed from the raffle winners. Lu said that she would call some of these people.


There was discussion on whether the 501 ( c) (3) has gone through yet. Linda Oberstar reported that neither the check for the 501 ( c) (3) or the check for the raffle license renewal have been cashed yet. Lu said that she had E mailed Nori Newago about the status, but that Nori had not responded. She is out of town. Lu will also contact Janet Dykema to see about the status of our application. Lu said that Ms. Dykema will send us the state form to fill out for taxes. She will have the state add us to their list.


There was discussion on the fund raisers for this summer. Lu Peet reported that she has had several calls on donations already, stemming from the flea market ad in the Shopper. This ad will appear several times over the next two months.


Bob Oberstar spoke on getting an architectural rendering done for our proposed museum. He said that he had a contact with Robert Aho, an architect from Duluth, who said he would be interested in assisting us. We will discuss this at a future meeting. Carol Pease also said that we should contact the person who did the Drummond Library.


The next meeting will be the Special Meeting of the Member. This will be held on Thursday May 17, 2007 at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:25am.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet

Barnes Area Historical Association Secretary