OF JULY 17, 2008


President Dave Pease called the meeting to order at 9:00am. The meeting was held at the VFW hall.


Members present: Kurt Kuhlman, Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Helen Ruprecht, Quentin Ruprecht, Jon Harkness and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum was present.


Secretary Lu Peet presented the minutes of the last regular meeting to the members. Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Jon Harkness) to approve the minutes as presented. Call for discussion.  Motion carried.


Treasurer Linda Oberstar was unable to attend the meeting, but had given the board a statement to read as follows:

Checkbook Balance as of 6/19/2008                                                                $          9,302.54

Centennial Book Sales (6)                                                                                $             157.00

T Shirts (3)                                                                                                       $               28.50

Cups and Mugs                                                                                                $               28.00

Note Cards (3)                                                                                                 $               18.00

Pie Social                                                                                                         $             572.25

Flea Market                                                                                                     $             520.26

Donations                                                                                                         $               50.00

Northwoods Shopper                                                                                       $              (45.00)

WI Council for Local History-Donation                                                 $              (15.00)

Silver-Tonsberg Printing-Raffle Tickets                                                 $              (68.00)

Checkbook Balance as of 7/17/2008                                                                $         10,548.55


CD One for $11,035.09 matures on February 2, 2009, at 4.50% (HCCU)

CD Two for $10,829.52 matures on January 6, 2009, at 4.75% (HCCU)

CD Three for $3,367.77 matures on December 27, 2008, at 4.75% (HCCU)

CD Four for $8,124.91 matures on September 28, 2008, at 5.25% (SBD)


Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Jon Harkness) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. There was discussion on the breakdown of donations for the pie social. Linda will separate this out for the next meeting. Motion (to accept with the correction of the break down of the donations to the pie social) carried.


Correspondence-The secretary reported that she had gotten a letter from State Farm Insurance Agency in Hayward stating that the agent that handled our organization was no longer with the agency. They will assign a new agent to us. The Wisconsin Historical Society sent us a letter confirming that we have been accepted as an affiliate of the Wisconsin Historical Association.


Old Business-

  1. Land Issues and VFW offer-Dave Pease reported on the valuation of the proposed land available to us from the VFW. It would be six acres, as according to zoning regulations, there is a minimum requirement of 300’. The value is estimated at somewhere between $12,500.00 and $16,000.00 compared to similar properties in the area. The parking lot could be shared with the VFW. Everything would be written out as far as use of the land, etc. Quentin Ruprecht showed some Menard’s buildings as something we could put up on the land once we obtain it. This will be put off until the next meeting. Duke Marten should have the surveying done by then.
  2. Flea Market and Pie Social Report-The event went very well. All of the sandwiches were sold as were all of the pies. (A few pieces of pie were given to the flea market workers at the end.)  It was suggested that we not serve ice cream cones at the next social as they were not profitable. BAHA also wanted to thank the young people who worked with us at the social. These included Helen and Quentin Ruprecht’s granddaughter and her friend and also Lu Peet’s granddaughter. The secretary will send thank you notes to these girls. It was noted that we need to get more young people involved in our events. There was discussion on having the end of season sale along with the VFW Turkey Shoot on August 30th.  We will do this as long as it is OK with the VFW. Lu Peet has talked to the commander and he has said it would be OK as long as we don’t set up by the shooters. There was discussion on having an auction type sale in the future for all the items left at the end of the season and sell all to the highest bidder.


New Business-

  1. Flea Market at the VFW on July 19, 2008-We will set the tent up on Friday night at 7:00pm and get to the site about 7:00am on Saturday. Carol Pease will take care of getting the change.
  2. Donation to the Paul Merz Fund-There was discussion on giving a donation from BAHA to the Paul Merz Fund (Jayne Merz is a member of BAHA and has supported our group. Her husband Paul was in a bad ATV wreck earlier this summer). Motion (Helen Ruprecht / Jon Harkness) to send $100.00 to the Paul Merz Fund. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Lu Peet will contact the treasurer about getting the check sent out.
  3. Grant Writing Course at WITC in Hayward-Grants and Grant Management- Lu Peet and Jon Harkness expressed an interest in attending the classes. Lu will contact WITC to see about the availability of these classes. They will be held the 13th, 20th and 27th of August from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. If any one else wants to go, let Lu know as soon as possible. Carol Pease thought she might also want to go to at least the Grant Writing classes. There was discussion on BAHA paying the fees for the classes. It is $4.00 for seniors.
  4. Oral History Seminar-An email was received from the Northern Great Lakes Visitors Center in Ashland regarding the two day workshop on oral history. The cost is $25.00 per person. If anyone is interested, they can contact Linda or Susan at the center before July 31, 2008. [email protected] or [email protected]
  5. Ideas for future fund raisers-dinners, box socials, etc. - This is something we can’t handle at this time as we don’t have the land yet. When we do get the land and building, then we can discuss these ideas. Helen Ruprecht discussed having a lending type of library. This will all be put off for further discussion.
  6. Ideas for what we may want in a museum-office space, gift shop, library, display areas, children’s room, meeting space, kitchenette, rest rooms, etc. - Everyone is encouraged to bring their ideas to the next meeting. Kurt Kuhlman said that many of the members filled out the questionnaires when Jan Seymour came to our meeting about a year ago. Lu Peet said that she has these questionnaires and will bring them for the next meeting.


Lu Peet said that she has contacted Jim Hardy and secured his book for the BAHA collection.


There was discussion on the Annual Meeting that is coming up in September. The nominating committee was formed. Quentin Ruprecht, Helen Ruprecht, George Martin and Carol Pease will be the committee to look into the getting the nominations set.


Motion (Quentin Ruprecht / Lu Peet) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00am. The next meeting will be held on Thursday August 21, 2008 at 9:00am at the VFW hall.