OF JANUARY 15, 2008


The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by President Dave Pease.


Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Jon Harkness, Linda Oberstar, Bob Oberstar, George Martin and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum was present.


Secretary Lu Peet presented the minutes to the members. Motion (Jon Harkness / Linda Oberstar) to accept the minutes as presented. Call for discussion. Linda Oberstar said that the Treasurer’s Report should say Hayward Credit Union instead of State Bank of Drummond for the CD renewal and that it would be for 13 months, not 6 months. Motion carried. The Secretary will do the changes to the minutes.


Treasurer Linda Oberstar gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:

Checkbook Balance as of 12/20/2007                                                       $         5,755.18

Memberships (1)                                                                          $              25.00

Tickets                                                                                                   $            560.00

Donations                                                                                    $              20.00

Checkbook Balance as of 1/15/2008                                              $         6,360.18



CD One for $11,035.09 matures on February 2, 2009, at 4.50% (HCCU)

CD Two for $10,829.52 matures on January 6, 2009, at 4.75% (HCCU)

CD Three for $3,367.77 matures on December 27, 2008, at 4.75% (HCCU)

CD Four for $8,124.91 matures on September 28, 2008, at 5.25% (SBD)



Motion (Lu Peet/ Bob Oberstar) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


There was discussion on the reports due to both the IRS and the Wisconsin State Historical Society.


Old Business:

  1. Land-Architects: Bob Oberstar said that the town was holding off on the land behind the present town hall as they don’t know what will happen if they decide to build the new town complex. He felt the town was trying to pull us into their plans and that we have to make it clear to the town that we are our own entity and will want our own building in the future. We could have a space in the new complex to have revolving displays, etc., but we would not be part of the town. We want to be on record as planning to have our own land and building in the future. Linda Oberstar said that if we try to stand alone, we may not be able to make it and may need the town’s support. The old time people are leaving Barnes for various reasons and new people are coming in, people with money. There was discussion on support for the museum. There was discussion that we need to get a piece of land soon. Bob Oberstar thought that we need to get a membership program going to encourage new members who will work. Carol Pease felt that our group was getting divided.  Carol asked if anyone had contacted the architects.  Bob Oberstar said that he contacted the one in Duluth a while back, but not the one in Eau Claire. Jon Harkness said that he had tried to contact someone from Wausau Paper Company, but still has yet to make direct contact with the person. He will continue to do so. Bob Oberstar said that he would like to be on record as doing some pursuing of real estate and also talking with Town Chairman Dick Collyard on this. We have to look at alternatives and send out letters. George Martin discussed land to the west on N. We need to check this out. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
  2. Membership and Survey Forms-Lu Peet said that we have gotten back most of the renewals and survey forms. She will send out the membership cards in the next few weeks. She will also compile the results of the survey forms for the next meeting. Bob Oberstar spoke on sending a letter out on what we are doing to encourage new members.
  3. Winterfest-
    1. Workers-There was discussion on who would work and where. George Martin, Sally Pease and Lu Peet will work the kitchen. Dean Peet will work the cash register for the kitchen as well as general help. Dave Pease will do Bingo and Carol Pease and Buzzy Harkness will do the door prizes and Bingo prizes. Heather Berg and Bob Campbell will help with collecting the Bingo money. Kurt Kuhlman and his wife Kathy will be at the table for tee-shirts, books, memberships, etc. as well as having an historical display. Tim Behling, Bob Oberstar and Jon Harkness will do what ever has to be done, such as selling blue boards for tickets and giving out tickets at the door or whatever else needs to be done. Linda Oberstar said she will work the ticket sales area. The VFW will supply the bartenders. Linda will get the start up money for the kitchen and sales area. Carol Pease will take care of the Bingo money. Lu Peet has done the signs for the inside and also the posters. Lu will also do the drawing of the tickets and Linda will do the checks for the winners and Silent Auction money issues.
    2. Food- Lu Peet has gotten the shredded beef from Upper Lakes Foods and will take care of getting the rest of the supplies and food items. We will have buns, chips, pickle, coleslaw and beans with the meal. There will be hot dogs, chili dogs and a beef sandwich besides the beef sandwich meal. Several members have said that they would donate bars and dessert items also. Dessert items will be included for all who buy a meal or sandwich.
    3. Prizes-The silent auction and Bingo prizes that we already have have been recorded by Carol Pease. We will see what we have when we meet on the 1st. We still need some more prizes. Lu said that she will be getting some more. Carol said she still had to get the ones from the Phone Company and the State Bank of Drummond.
    4. Tickets-The ticket sales have been going better. We have at least enough sold so that we don’t have to go into our regular funds for the pay offs. We will sell tickets at the Winterfest. There are about 40 tickets that will not be coming back to us for various reasons, but we should be OK.
    5. Tee Shirts-The tee shirts are in. It was decided that the workers would pay for their own shirts at a cost of $7.00 each. These are the lime green shirts. The ones for sale to the public are heather grey and will sell for $10.50 including tax.
    6. Signs (Dave Thorson)-Dave said that he would put out the signs out on the road on Friday.
    7. Planning meeting-There will be a planning meeting for Winterfest at the VFW on Friday February 1, 2008 at 9:00am.


New Business:

  1. IRS Report-We may need Jan Dykema’s help. Lu will do the report and use Jan if necessary.
  2. Wisconsin Historical Society-Annual Report-Lu will also do this report with Jan’s help.


Motion (Lu Peet/ George Martin) to adjourn the meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45am. The next meeting will be held on Thursday February 21, 2008 at 9:00am at Downtown Barnes.


Respectfully submitted,


Lu Peet


Secretary-Barnes Area Historical Association (BAHA)