FEBRUARY 6, 2009

President Dave Pease called the special meeting to order at 10:15am. The meeting was held at the VFW hall.

Members present: Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Sally Pease, Dean Peet, Jon Harkness, Kurt Kuhlman and Lu Peet. It was established that a quorum of the officers was present.

President Pease said that the bank has to have minutes that show where we have approved having a lock box at their bank. By acclamation, we have done this at a previous meeting, but we now have to have this done in motion format. Motion (Jon Harkness / Carol Pease) to establish a lock box at the State Bank of Drummond-Barnes Branch. Call for discussion. There was discussion on how we should pay for this lock box. It was decided to have the bank send us a bill instead of taking it automatically from our checking account, as this would be a better paper trail for us. There was discussion on who would be the key holders to the box. There are two keys. At this time it would be Dave Pease as Chairman and Lu Peet as Secretary. This could be reassigned as needed. The signatures for access to the box at this time are Linda Oberstar, Dave Pease and Lu Peet. When Quentin Ruprecht returns from the south, he will also be added to the signature list. Jon Harkness was asked if an amendment to have the bank bill us could be added to his original motion. Jon said it would be OK with him. The motion now reads as follows: Motion (Jon Harkness / Carol Pease) to establish a lock box at the State Bank of Drummond-Barnes Branch and to have the bank bill us for the box. Call for discussion. Motion carried. 

There was no further business that needed to be discussed at this time. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at the VFW hall at 9:00am.

Motion (Carol Pease / Lu Peet) to adjourn the special meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lu Peet

Secretary-Barnes Area Historical Association

Dated this 9th day of February 2009